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Phone: (210)-662-1050

Qualifications: Nursing Degree from Leominster Hospital SON Certification Pediatric nursing, NASN Years of service 31 years in Nursing total 21 years at Judson ISD 2 years at the New Parent Support Group, Ft. Drum 2 years at BAMC Pediatrics 5 years at Acton Medical Associates, Pediatrics 2 years at Leominster Hospital

Ursula H. Campbell, RN

I am excited to start my twenty-first year at Spring Meadows as your nurse. I graduated with my nursing degree in May of 1988 and received my certification in Pediatrics in 1991. I have been a member of the NASN since 1999.

The years that I have been with Judson, have been fabulous. The relationships that have been developed with our families in the community are fantastic. I have been fortunate to watch the children grow into successful young adults.

Educating our families and community on health issues as they arise and giving assistance to those families in need of medical attention is my passion.

The goal for every year is to ensure that our students are well taken care of health wise and that the care that is needed is given.

We screen our students every year at the beginning of the year and as they enroll throughout the year to ensure that every child can see and hear so that no instruction is missed. We also do heights and weights on all students to ensure that they are growing and maintain healthy.

Our fifth-grade girls have a scoliosis screening that is done. We also show a growth and development film and discussion with our fourth and fifth grade boys and girls.

If you ever need any help with medical questions, please do not hesitate to drop by the clinic.


Ursula H. Campbell, RN

Judson ISD Nurse Coordinator